Protect Your Patients
The Head Butler's versatile design shields patients during delicate medical procedures and is easy for your entire surgical team to use.
How it Works
Simple to install and drape, The Head Butler anesthesia screen mounts to the rails of standard OR tables and safeguards your patients head and body from accidental injuries arising from robotic techniques and other procedures.
Surgical instruments can be placed on the tray without concern of patient injury while maintaining full access for anesthesia monitoring. It works smoothly with robotic systems and its durable lightweight construction will not damage equipment.
Convenient to use for the entire team, The Head Butler has a multitude of applications and can be easily cleaned and wall hung after use.
Protects head and upper body from accidental injuries
Simple to install and drape
Excellent patient access
Leg Length: 24"
Tray Surface: 8" x 22"
Lightweight: 5 lbs.
Clean and sterilize with normal disinfectants
$595.00 ea.
The Head Butler quickly mounts to OR table side rail sockets (not included). We also offer custom fit sizes for wider OR tables and trial evaluations are available.
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Over 300 hospitals have purchased The Head Butler for their robotics program and other procedures.
Banner Estrella MC - AZ
Carolina East HS - NC
Community Memorial Hosp - WI
Florida Hospital Flagler - FL
Lakeside Women's - OK
Maine General - ME
Ohio Health - OH
Queens - HI
Spring Hill Memorial - AL
St. Lukes Hospital - MO
Baylor Hospital - TX
Central State MC - NJ
Covenant Health - MI
Kootenai - ID
Landmark MC - RI
Medical University of SC
Rush University - IL
St Lukes - Roosevelt - NY
St. Mary's - CO
Yakima Regional - WA
Blount Memorial - TN
Children's - DC
Fletcher Allen HC - VT
Lahey Clinic Hospital - MA
Madison River Oaks MC - MS
Norton Suburban - KY
Phoebe Putney - GA
Scripps - CA
St. Lukes - IA
VA Pittsburgh - PA
And More…